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 CAP Project Updates 

The project to cover I-95 and Columbus Boulevard is underway.  Check out for project description, updates and schedules. Residents, email the Pier 3 Board with your questions, comments and concerns.  Additional contact information is listed on Contacts page.

 Pier 3 Joins the Central Delaware Advocacy Group 

Pier 3 is a voting member of the board of the Central Delaware Advocacy Group!  Check this link to learn more about CDAG.

 Pet Corner 

Revised pet rules went into effect on November 4, 2024. Check out the Pet Packet for the rules, forms and important information. Current Pet Committee members are Lana Verruni, Maria DeMarco, Marty Miller, Mary Higham, and David Freiman as Chairman. Feel free to contact them at

 Hot Water Tank Age Campaign 

All hot water heaters must be replaced if they are more than ten years old. Picture of label on tank is required as proof. Fines for no response will be assessed!

 Storage Lockers Available 

Storage bins are sometimes available in both the North and South storage rooms.  Residents can rent a small bin for $12/month and a large one for $24/month.  Contact the manager if you are interested in renting a bin, and you will be put on the wait list.

Community Manager

Eleni Driza is our Community Manager!  She can be reached at (215) 351-4003 or by email at  

Building Maintenance Supervisor

Joseph (Joe) Vadino is our Building Maintenance Supervisor. Contact him at (215) 351-0482, or submit a work order request via

 Office Hours - Community Manager 

Monday     10:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday      8:00AM - 4:00PM

Wednesday 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Thursday     8:00AM - 4:00PM
Friday          8:00AM - 4:00PM

Walk-ins are welcome, or make appointment if your Pier 3 question or concern will require more extensive time.

 The Benjamin Franklin Bridge 
Benjamin Franklin Bridge

The Ben Franklin Bridge is illuminated in various colors throughout the year to celebrate holidays, commemorate special events and acknowledge the work of various organizations.  Here's some information about the bridge.

One of Philadelphia’s main attractions on New Year’s Eve and July 4th draws thousands of people to the Delaware River Waterfront each year delighting them in a breathtaking fireworks display. From our back deck residents can watch one of the most spectacular views in the city.

 The Tall Ships Challenge 
The Tall Ships Challenge

The Tall Ships Challenge at Penn's Landing is a sight to behold, and what better place than our own back deck, where we share in the pageantry of this annual event, which drifts in a three year cycle between the waters of the Great Lakes, the Pacific and the Atlantic coasts of North America. 

Residents can catch a glimpse, step aboard and even set sail on the ships, which dock at Penn’s Landing and the Camden Waterfront.


Discounted parking is available on the Penn's Landing parking lot for Pier 3 residents. The rate is $105 per month. For more information, contact Yolanda at (215) 629-3210. An application and policy acknowledgement must be completed at the DRWC office at 121 N. Columbus Blvd.  Reservations must be made by 2:30 pm the day before parking is needed.    2/7/2019

 It's always a good day on Pier 3 
It's always a good day on Pier 3
What's Happening on Pier 3 

No meetings or events planned at this time.

Meetings will be held in Suite 300 unless otherwise noted.

Want to know more about the marine vessels passing near Pier 3?
Go to and follow these directions.

- Check your washing machine hose.
- Check your water heater.
- Don't feed the birds.
- Park between the lines.
- Clean up your balcony.

- Update your census form.


Recently Completed

  • Seawall apron, piles & hardware replacement/repair
  • Seawall concrete repair
  • Surveillance camera upgrade and additions
  • Triennial underwater inspection as required by City Code
  • Pool HVAC dehumidification system
  • Pier 3 approved for VA and FHA Financing
  • Steel beam/column rust remediation & painting
  • Atrium renovation - deck, lighting, landscape replacement, octagon repairs
  • Main roof replacement
  • 3rd floor balcony decks repairs (partial owner responsibility)
  • Exterior patio furniture
  • Electric vehicle charging stations


  • 2nd floor decking/ceiling repairs
  • Steel beam/column rust remediation
  • Wood deck roof membrane replacement (as needed)

Future Projects - 2024 and beyond

  • East wall brick pointing
  • South side deck planters
  • Additional seawall, piles, apron board repairs
  • Garage asphalt replacement
  • High steel painting (in progress - Summer 2024)
  • Triennial inspection
  • EIFS siding replacement

Contact manager for details on any of these projects.


Living at Pier 3 allows residents to be part of the vibrant City, but apart from the hustle and bustle.  What sets Pier 3 apart from Center City condominiums?  Pier 3 is: 

  • A short walking distance to Old City and its famous restaurants.
  • A comfortable stroll to Festival Pier, Race Street Pier, and Rivers Casino.
  • Adjacent to Penn's Landing and its full schedule of events.
  • The absolute best location to watch the fireworks on New Year's Eve and during Welcome America (4th of July) Week. 
  • Not designed as a high rise building, Pier 3 allows the residents to have an up-close view of River activities.
  • Residents enjoy the trees and plantings placed and maintained by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in front of Pier 3.

See the Local Information Section for attractions and neighborhood information.

 Bird's Eye View 
Bird's Eye View
Pier 3 Condominium on the Philadelphia Waterfront - 3 N Columbus Blvd - Philadelphia, PA 19106 - 215.351.4003