Board members will discuss matters brought to their attention at their next meeting and will respond to owners subsequent to that meeting. The easiest way to send a message to the Board or to the Community Manager is by using the links on the Owners page.
Proof of Insurance - Flood & Property/Casualty
To have a copy of Pier 3's current flood and/or property & casualty insurance policies sent to you or your requesting financial institution, please email kmcnamara@risk-strategies.com with a copy of the notice that you received from your lender. This notice contains the "mortgagee clause" required to be placed on the certificate. The insurance company will send your lender or mortgage company a declaration of insurance that identifies your specific Unit at Pier 3. For more information call Ms McNamara at 484.270.9222. (12/18/24)
Found a Good Contractor? Let Us Know!
If you have recently used a contractor (e.g. plumber, electrician, painter, handyman, etc.) that has recently done great work for you here at Pier 3, send an email to the manager to let her know. In order to make this information available to other owners, we must first know the names of contractors with whom you have had a favorable experience.
Pier 3 residents actively participated in the planning phases of the redevelopment of the Delaware River Waterfront. After all, it's our neighborhood, and we want it to be the best place to live in Philadelphia. It's very exciting to see the City of Philadelphia work with professional civic planners to help the Waterfront achieve its potential.
The first project to get off the starting block was the Race Street Pier. This was formerly known as Pier 11, and it is one block north of Pier 3 on Columbus Boulevard. Race Street Pier opened in mid-May 2011, and it is beautiful! The unique multi-leveled park offers the public the opportunity to get up close and personal with the Delaware River. Of course, as Pier 3 residents, we have that view already, but Race Street Pier is still worth the visit. It promises great things to come in our neighborhood, including the Cherry Street Pier that opened in late 2018.
The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) encourages local residents to stay informed of plans and developments on the Delaware River waterfront. Pier 3 is in the center of the action! For information on all DWRC plans and activities, visit http://www.plancentraldelaware.com/.
Did you know that the Market Street Dog Park opened in 2015. It is conveniently located across the inlet from Pier 3 on Penn's Landing, with amazing views of the Delaware River and the Ben Franklin Bridge. This park features lots of trees, benches for our humans and a water station to help quench our thirst during those "dog days of summer"....sorry couldn't help it. The black fencing divides the park into two areas, to separate larger dogs like myself, from our smaller friends. Take it from me, dogs and their humans welcome this new addition to the neighborhood.
Pier 3 Condominium on the Philadelphia Waterfront - 3 N Columbus Blvd - Philadelphia, PA 19106 - 215.351.4003
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